
dbdoclet — Javadoc to DocBook converter


dbdoclet [OPTIONS]


The reuse of javadoc content in presentation-neutral form is a frequent problem. One possible solution is to convert javadoc to DocBook XML. DocBook is a semantic markup language for technical documentation, which enables its users to create documents that capture the logical structure of the content. For more infomation about DocBook have a look at

dbdoclet is the implementation of a javadoc doclet, which converts javadoc documentation to DocBook XML. In addition to the generation of DocBook XML, it is able to create UML class diagrams.

The command line tool dbdoclet can be used directly to convert javadoc to DocBook. It's a simple wrapper around the javadoc tool and the javadoc doclet dbdoclet.jar.

The dbdoclet doclet jar archive is part of the maven central repository. Use GroupId: org.dbdoclet and ArtifactId: dbdoclet to add a dependency to your project.

dbdoclet is part of the dbdoclet suite of tools. For more information visit


You can use all general options provided by the javadoc tool, but you can't use the options of the standard HTML doclet. Please have a look at the javadoc manual.


This option specifies the DocBook XML destination directory. It must not used together with the option -f. The name of the DocBook XML file is set to Reference.xml. Because dbdoclet generates a lot of image files and also the javadoc documentation can contain addtional files, the use of an empty directory is prefered.


This option specifies the DocBook XML destination file. It must not used together with the option -d. The parent directory of the file will be used as destination directory for all generated images and for all additional files found in the javadoc documentation.

-profile, -p

A profile file with predefined settings.


The title of the generated documentation. The default title is the name of the first java package.


The details of a transformation are controlled by a profile file. A profile file offers a lot of possibilities to influence the transformation. The following example shows a typical profile file:


A profile file consists mainly of sections. Sections are used to group parameters which share the same context. Every section must start with the keyword section followed by the name of the section. After the name comes the block of parameters, which is surrounded by curly braces. Parameters can be of type String, Number, Boolean or Array. Strings must be framed with double quotes. If the String contains newlines, use three double quotes instead of one. Arrays are framed with square brackets. Inside an array, the elements must be comma separated. Every assignment must be finished by a semicolon. Multi line comments have the form /* my comment */ , single line comments look like // my comment\n.

Mandatory Elements

A profile for dbdoclet must start with the line transformation dbdoclet;.

Section dbdoclet

The section dbdoclet controls what kind of documentation should be created, e.g. which sections and which information should be contained in the resulting media.


Split the output into multiple files. If this parameter is set to true, a separate file for every class will be created.


If set to true, the documented class contains the attributes in the its class diagram. The default value is true.


If set to true, the documented class contains the operations in the its class diagram. The default value is true.


Defines the size of the class diagram font in points (pt). This parameter indirectly influences the size of the generated diagrams.


Defines the maximum height of the generated class diagrams in px. If the parameter is set to 0, no scaling will be done for the height. The default value is 0.


If set to true, the generated class diagrams include java.lang.Object as root class, otherwise it is omitted to save space. The default value is false.


Defines the maximum width of the generated class diagrams in px. If the parameter is set to 0, no scaling will be done for the width. The default value is 0.


If set to true, additional sections such as "Constants values" or "Statistics" will generated inside an appendix. Otherwise they will be appended as ordinary chapters. The default value is true.


If set to true, the javadoc tag @author will be processed. This parameter depends on the create-meta-info. The default value is true.


If set to true, an inheritance class diagram is created for every class. The default value is true.


If set to true, @deprecated javadoc tags and annotations will be processed. A warning element will be created for each. The default value is true.


If set to true, a section is created at the end of the document, which contains a list of all deprecated elements. The default value is true.


If set to true, the javadoc tag @exception will be processed. The default value is true.


If set to true, the field comments are processed. The default value is true.


If set to true, full qualified names of classes, fields, methods and parameters are used. The default is false.


If set to true, an inheritance


If set to true, a section with all inherited methods is created. The default is true.


If set to true, a section with all meta javadoc tags is created. Meta tags are all tags but @deprecated, @param, @return, @serialField and @throws. If this parameter is set to false, tags like @author will be suppresed


If set to true, the method comments are processed. The default value is true.


If set to true, the javadoc tag @param will be processed. The default value is true.


If set to true, a section containing all constant values will be created at the end of the document. The default value is true.


If set to true, the javadoc tag @see will be processed. The default value is true.


If set to true, the javadoc tag @serialField will be processed. The default value is true.


If set true, the javadoc tag @since will be processed. The default value is true.


If set to true, a section with statistical information will be created at the end of the document. The default value is false.


If set to true, the synopsis section will be created. The default value is true.


If set to true, the javadoc tag @version will be processed. The default value is true.


This parameter influences the structure of the generated DocBook XML. You can choose between style "table" and style "variablelist". The default is "table".


If set to true, annotations are processed, regardless of the presence of the @Documented annotation. The default value is false.


This parameter influences the generation of id values. You can choose between "numbered" and "java". The default is "numbered".


This parameter is used for generated variablelist elements. If the parameter is set, its value will be used as attribute "list-presentation" of the a dbfo processing instruction. For more information have look at the DocBook XSL documentation.


This parameter defines a logo image, which will be inserted as mediaobject in the info section.


The content of this parameter will be used as title for the overview section, if no title can be extracted from the overview file.

Section DocBook


The text for the abstract element of the info section. If the text is structured with newlines, use three double quotes as delimiters. If the text starts with a "<" character, it is embedded into an abstract element, otherwise the text is embedded into an para element inside of an abstract element. The text will parsed and can contain DocBook elements.


If true, an index element is appended to the end of the document.


The email address of the author. If this parameter is set, it is used to create an info section at the beginning of the document.


The firstname of the author. If this parameter is set, it is used to create an info section at the beginning of the document.


The surname of the author. If this parameter is set, it is used to create an info section at the beginning of the document.

Sections for certain classes

Frequently there is a need to handle a certain class in a special way. For example, if the class contains far to many methods or fields, you may want to disable these in the UML class diagram, because the diagram becomes unreadable. In this case you can create a special section for this class using the canonical class name as its section name.

Sections with regular expressions for groups of classes

Frequently there is a need to handle a group of classes with similiar names in a special way. In this case you can create a special section for this classes using a regular expression as its section name. The regexp must start and end with a slash and it is anchored, which means the pattern must match against the whole canonical name of a class.


transformation dbdoclet;

section dbdoclet {
  create-appendix = true;
  class-diagram-font-size = 10;
  class-diagram-width = 800;
  create-author-info = true;
  create-class-diagram = true;
  create-deprecated-info = true;
  create-deprecated-list = true;
  create-exception-info = true;
  create-fully-qualified-names = false;
  create-inherited-from-info = true;

section DocBook {
  abstract = """ 
Der <emphasis>Largo</emphasis>-Editor dient der Erzeugung
von Notenpapier in historischen Formaten. Er
ermöglicht vielfältige Einstellungesmöglichkeiten.
  add-index = true;  
  author-email = "";
  author-firstname = "Michael";
  author-surname = "Fuchs";
  title = "Musikeditor";
  document-element = "book";
  corporation = "Ingenieurbüro Michael Fuchs";

// Special section for class org.dbdoclet.doclet.docbook.DocBookDoclet
section org.dbdoclet.doclet.docbook.DocBookDoclet {
  class-diagram-contains-attributes = false;

/* All classes whose canonical name end with "Synopsis" */
section /.*Synopsis/ {
  class-diagram-contains-attributes = false;
  class-diagram-contains-operations = false;



Copyright 2001-2014 Michael Fuchs. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.